Contract templates in Settings - HR Records

The Contract template screen is used to design the contract template. The data at this screen will be used for the Contracts menu

1. Add New Contract template

Step 1: Select the NEW CONTRACT TEMPLATE function included in the Contract template

Step 2: The system will open a screen called Add Contract template -> We proceed to enter data -> Then select SAVE to save the operation or select Close to close the screen and cancel the operation just done

* Explanation:

o   The Contract template field is used to enter the name of the contract template

o   The Job position field is used to choose which position this contract creates to use in the system. Job position field data is taken from the setting in item 2

o   The Contract template field is used to design the user contract template. Select the Available merge fields field to select the fields to display the contents of the contract.

2. Edit Contract template

- Step 1: Select the icon  corresponding to the data line to be edited

Step 2: The system will display the Edit contract template screen -> Proceed to edit data -> Then click Save to save the operation or select Close to close the screen and cancel the operation just done

3. Delete Contract template

- Step 1: Select the icon  corresponding to the data line to be deleted.

Step 2: The system will display a Confirmation message, when you are sure you want to delete the data line, select OK or select Cancel to cancel the operation

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