How not to convert to base currency in Inventory Receiving and Delivery Return Purchasing Goods

In case you are activating the Purchase module, and the purchase order currency is different from the system currency. Normally, the inventory receiving voucher created from a purchase order will automatically be converted to base currency, which is the system's default currency. However, if you want to retain the same currency in the inventory receiving voucher as the purchase order, you can enable the "Do not convert to Base currency" option.

The case of creating Delivery return purchasing goods from Inventory Receiving Voucher and Purchase Return Order is similar to above. Here's how: 

1. Go to Inventory module then select Settings menu 

2. Select General then select Receiving & Deliver tab 

3. Select the checkbox in front of "Do not convert to Base currency"

4. Create a purchase order in a currency other than the base currency. Base currency is USD

5. Go to Inventory module then select Inventory receiving voucher 

6. Click on Delivery docket button. In the Inventory receiving voucher page, click the Choose from a Purchase order dropdowwn and select above purchase order, fill in the  other required fields -> Save and approve this inventory receiving voucher

Similarly, when creating Delivery return purchasing goods from inventory receiving voucher: the currency will be kept the same as the inventory receiving voucher

When creating Delivery return purchasing goods from purchase return order: will keep the same currency as purchase return order

Note: the amount will automatically be converted to base currency when reflected in the Stock summary report

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