How to display available quantity of item on Sales/Invoice

  1. Display available quantity of item on Sales/Invoice
     File “application/controllers/admin/Invoices.php”, below the line 365 add hook like this

            // add hook display Available quantity of item //

            $data['items']        = hooks()->apply_filters('before_admin_view_create_invoice', $data['items']);



    File “application/controllers/admin/Invoice_items.php”, find function “search” and update like the image

        public function search()


            if ($this->input->post() && $this->input->is_ajax_request()) {

                $data = $this->invoice_items_model->search($this->input->post('q'));


                // add hook display Available quantity of item //

                $data = hooks()->apply_filters('admin_invoice_ajax_search_item', $data, $this->input->post('q'));


                echo json_encode($data);




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