HR Records menu in HR Records module

The HR Records screen is used to create and manage company employee information data. If the candidate passes the interview and is transferred, the candidate's information is also stored on this screen and considered as an official employee of the company

1. Staff Member

1.1. New Staff

- Step 1: Select menu HR records -> New Staff Member

Step 2: The system will appear the Employee Information screen with two tabs Profile and Related information -> Proceed to enter the necessary data -> Then click Save to save the operation or select Close to close the screen and cancel the last action

1.2. View information about Staff

Select the corresponding data line to view information -> Select View

1.3. Edit Staff

Note: When employees log into the system with their own account, they can also edit their profile information. Successfully edited data will be displayed synchronously with the corresponding employee's Staff Profile screen when the Admin views the information

Select the corresponding data line to edit information -> Select Edit

1.4. Delete Staff

Method 1: Select the corresponding data line to delete -> Select Delete

* Note: It is not recommended to delete employees who have other binding data to avoid the case that the tasks assigned by the assigned employees will not be looked up again at the screens to get data from the employee screens. Only newly created employees with no binding data should be deleted

Method 2: Delete a lot of data

Step 1: At the screen -> Proceed to select the data to be deleted -> Select the function Bulk actions

* Note: It is not recommended to delete employees who have other binding data to avoid the case that the tasks assigned by the assigned employees will not be looked up again at the screens to get data from the employee screens. Only newly created employees with no binding data should be deleted

Step 2: The system displays the Bulk action screen -> If you are sure to delete all selected data, select Mass delete -> Then select Comfirm

Step 3: The system will display a confirmation message, when you are sure you want to delete the data line, select OK or select Cancel to cancel the operation

Method 3: Delete all data

- Step 1: At the HR Records screen -> Proceed to choose to display all data

- Step 2: Proceed to select the checkbox on the top -> Select the function Bulk actions

- Step 3: The system displays the Bulk action screen -> If you are sure to delete all selected data, select Mass delete -> Then select Comfirm

- Step 4: The system will display a Confirm message, when you are sure you want to delete the data line, select OK or select Cancel to cancel the operation

Import From Excel

- Step 1: Go to HR Records Menu -> Select Import From Excel

- Step 2: The system will appear a screen to Import staff -> Select Create Sample File -> Select the function  to download the excel file to the computer -> Proceed to import the required data -> Upload the file to the system (2) -> Select Import (3). If the file has errors, go to Step 3


o   First name, Last name, Email, Status, Job position fields are required fields and cannot be left blank

o   Only the orange and blue columns are allowed to enter and change data

o   It is not allowed to enter or change the red columns

o   The Gender column can only enter Male or Female values

o   Enter the Birthday column with the format “yyyy-mm-dd”

o   The Status column can enter the value Woking or maternity leave or inactivity

o   The Workplace column gets its value from the Workplace screen in the Settings menu

o   Direct manager column can get Staff code field data in HR Records menu

o   The Role name column can be obtained from the Roles screen of the Setup module

o   If you do not enter a password, the system will automatically default the password when logging in for employees to be 123456

Step 3: If the file has an error, the system will display a message -> Select Download Error File -> Carry out error correction -> Choose File -> Import

3. Export Staff

- Step 1: Go to the HR Records Menu -> Tick the employees that need to be exported -> Select the Export Staffs function

- Step 2: The system will display a message that the data has been grouped successfully -> Select the Download Staff function to download the data to the device

* Note: Exported files can be used in this function to edit information and re-import data into the system

4. Chart

Go to HR Records Menu -> Select Chart

The system will display the Staff Chart screen in the form of a tree to show which employees belong to whom in the system.The system will display the Staff Chart screen in the form of a tree to show which employees belong to whom in the system.

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