Internal Delivery Note

Used to move items from one warehouse to another.

Create an internal delivery note

  • Step 1.  Create approval process for internal delivery note ( if necessary) at approval setting.
  • Step 2. Go to Internal delivery note menu under Inventory module from the left sidebar -> click Add button.
  • Step 3. In the Add Internal delivery note page, fill in the required details:

    1. Select the available item 
    2. Select the From stock name 
    3. Select To stock name 
    4. Enter the Quantity
    5. Click  to add the item to internal delivery note 
    Click  to remove the item from internal delivery note
  • Step 4. Click Save button
  • Step 5. Go to internal delivery note detail -> click  Send approve request and approve it( if any).

Edit an internal delivery note 

Only update internal delivery note with Not yet approved status. 

  • Step 1. Go to Intenal delivery note menu under Inventory module from the left sidebar
  • Step 2. Select the internal delivery note need to be edited and click Edit

  • Step 3Make the necessary changes and click Save button.

Delete an internal delivery note

Only delete internal delivery note with Not yet approved status. 

  • Step 1. Select the internal delivery note need to be deleted and click Delete

  • Step 2. Confirm your selection in the following pop-up. The internal delivery note will be deleted

Internal Delivery Note Detail 

  • Select the internal delivery note and click View

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