Inventory Delivery Voucher Detail

Send a delivery note to customer

  • Step 1. View Inventory delivery voucher detail by click Inventory delivery voucher code hyperlink -> click 
  • Step 2. In the Send a delivery note by email page, fill in the required details -> click Save button.

Create Task for the Inventory Delivery Voucher

  • Step 1. View Inventory delivery voucher detail by click Inventory delivery voucher code hyperlink 

  • Step 2. Select Tasks tab -> click New Task button.

  • Step 3. In the Add new task page, fill in the required details and click Save 

Create the Shipping Log 

  • Step 1. View Inventory delivery voucher detail by click Inventory delivery voucher code hyperlink 

  • Step 2. Select Shipping Log tab -> enter shipping log and click Save button.

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