View permission : can only view and download files
View + Edit permission: Download, view detail and edit file content; edit folder name
Share to Staff
- Step 1. Go to Spreadsheet Online module from the left sidebar -> Select the file/folder to share.
Or right-click at the file/folder that you want to share and click on the Share -> The system displays the Manage Sharing popup -> Click on the Add button.
Manage Sharing: manage the shares of the respective file or folder, you can edit or delete the shares. - Step 2. In the Add New Share, fill the following detais and click on the Save button
1. Select the Staff
2. Select the Department Share
3. Select the Staff Share
4. Enable/Disable the permission: View, Edit
Share to Customer
- Step 1. Go to Spreadsheet Online module from the left sidebar -> Select the file/folder to share.
Or right-click at the file/folder that you want to share and click on the Share -> The system displays the Manage Sharing popup -> Click on the Add button.
Manage Sharing: manage the shares of the respective file or folder, you can edit or delete the shares - Step 2. In the Add New Share, fill the following detais and click on the Save button
1. Select the Customer
2. Select the Client Groups Share
3. Select the Client Share
4. Enable/Disable the permission: View, Edit