Update & Delete Inventory Delivery Voucher

Update inventory delivery voucher

Only unapproved inventory delivery voucher can be edited. To be able to change the serial number, you need to create an approval process for the inventory delivery voucher.

  • Step 1. Go to Inventory delivery voucher menu under Inventory module from the left sidebar
  • Step 2. Select the inventory delivery voucher need to be edited and click Edit

  • Step 3Make the necessary changes and click Save button.
    Inventory delivery voucher is created from Purchase order

    Inventory delivery voucher is created from Sale invoice 

    Inventory delivery voucher is created from the available item.

Delete Inventory Delivery Voucher 

If you check the option “Allow delete of Inventory receipt voucher or Inventory delivery voucher (after approval)” allows you to delete approved inventory delivery .

Deleting an inventory delivery with approved status ⇒ return the product and the serial number to the warehouse.

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