Checkin page is used to update and manage the progress of OKRs.
Users can access the modules based on their permission.
Note: While waiting for the progress checkin for the child OKR, the progress of the parent OKR will also wait and the parent OKR is not allowed to Approval.
When checking progress for the child OKR, the confidence level and progress of the parent OKR will also be changed
- Step 1. Go to Checkin menu under OKR module from the left sidebar -> Click CHECKIN button
- Step 2. In the checkin detail page, fill in the required details:
- The Progress field in the upper left corner will show the current progress of OKR
- The Total Progress chart in the right corner will display visual data according to OKR's checkin history.
- The Key result field in the list will retrieve the corresponding key results of the OKR. The key result was entered when creating the OKR.
- The Plan field displays the individual plan of the corresponding key result. The plan was entered when creating the OKR.
- The Result field displays the actual result of the corresponding key result. Actual results were entered when creating the OKR.
button is used to add a task for the corresponding key result, the added data will be displayed at the Task page of the corresponding OKR.
used to display the tasks under the corresponding resort key.
- The Target field displays the goal set when creating the key result
- The Achieved field is used to enter the progress value achieved so far, when entering this field, the system will calculate and display the progress on the Progress field.
- The Confidence level field includes options for confidence level when checking work progress, if the confidence level is updated for the key results, the system will calculate the average confidence level value displayed on the screen. for the respective OKRs.
- Checkin question fields get data from Checkin question Setting -> This field is recommended to enter data to better report progress to superiors for approval.
- The Feedback management field lets the supervisor or OKR manager comment on the progress the employee has made. This field data is taken from Evaluation criteria Setting.
- The Attachment field is used to update files related to OKR progress to show reviewers.
- Complete OKR function: if you check it and Save it, it will be considered that the key results in this OKR have been completed. If the user approves Approved, this OKR is considered to be 100% complete (the corresponding OKR must also be updated to 100% progress) and there is no need to update the progress anymore. If you browse Deny, you still have to keep updating the progress the next day
- Step 3. Select the next checkin date at the Upcoming checkin field. Note, only choose a date within the specified OKRs start and end times
- Step 4. Select a approver in the Approver field (If the approval process is selecting the Choose specific senders for approval option). If the approval process has selected a specific person, the Approver field is not displayed
- Step 5. Click on the Save button and wait for approval. When the next check-in day arrives, the staff can continue to check-in.
Click on the Close button to cancel the operation and return to the main screen.
Click on the Save Draft button to save the draft and continue to checkin (the system will not send a notification to the reviewer).
Note: When you check the Complete OKR box and select the approver, you can no longer check the progress of this OKR and wait for the approver to change the OKR's status to Finish or Deny. If the approver chooses approve for this OKR, the system will change the OKR to the Finish status and do not need to checkin if it is due. if deny, the OKR will still have to check in when it is due.