Create Order Return

Create Order return 

Prepare Data:

  • Purchase Order with Approved status and return request time within X days after delivery date and  delivery status is Completely Delivered and Order Status is Delivered. 

  • Set Return Policies in vendor detail 

  • Step 1. Go to Order Returns menu under Purchase module from the left sidebar -> Click New button

  • Step 2. In the Add New Order Return page, fill in the requested details: 

    1. Select the Purchase Order 
    2. Select Return type: Fully or Partially
    If you choose Partially: you can edit the quantity item or delete items.

    If you choose Fully: Do not allow to edit the quantity item or delete items

  • Step 3. Clickthe  Save button. 
    Each Purchase order can only create 1 return order and cannot edit the return order after being saved(including admin).

    Return order after being saved will be in Draft state, and it will be displayed in the Order Return menu at the respective vendor portal.

  • Step 4. Go to vendor portal -> Order Return menu -> view order return detail -> click Confirm or Reject 

    If Vendor chooses Reject → the order return status changes to Canceled → admin cannot create refund
    If Vendor selects Confirm → the order return status changes to Confirmed -> allows admin to create a refund.

  • Step 5. Go to Inventory module → Receiving-Exporting return order menu -> Click Add button and select Delivery return purchasing goods
  • Step 6. Select Purchasing Return Order and select Related data -> Save.
  • Step 7.  If Receiving-Exporting return order has an approval process ==> Approve Receiving-Exporting return order and choose warehouse to create Delivery voucher -> Click Save. If Receiving-Exporting return order does not have an approval process ==> click Create Inventory Delivery Voucher button and select warehouse to create Inventory Delivery Voucher.
  • Step 8. System automatically redirects to Inventory delivery management, approves Inventory delivery (if there is an Inventory Delivery approval in the setting).

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